Object Based Programming Paradigm

Object Based Programming is the subset of Object Oriented Programming

What is Object Based Programming?

The definition is much similar to that of OOPs but the thing which make this one different is that, here you can't implement Polymorphism, inheritence.

Key Features

  • Data Encapsulation: It is defined as wrapping up of data and information together unser a single entity/unit. Also to protect your data from any foreign entity. The data under a class using some correct access specifiers acts as checkpoint for who to allow and who to not.
  • Data Abstraction: Data abstraction is one of the most essential and important features of object oriented programming in C++. It means displaying only the required information and hinding the details about how it works etc. Encapsulation and Abstraction go hand in hand.
  • Modularity: It is like dividing the program into small small groups which have unique tasks but are grouped together to conclude a large task first.