Computer Programming with MATLAB

Lesson 6: Loops


Akos Ledeczi and Mike Fitzpatrick


 The loop is a new control construct that makes it
possible to repeat a block of statements a
number of times.
 We have already used loops without knowing it:
>> n = 1:5;
>> total = sum(n);
 MATLAB uses loops internally both to compute
the result of the colon operator and to compute
the sum of the elements of the vector n above.
 Implicit loop

Schematic of a loop

 Let’s compute the sum of 1 trough 5 without using
the built-in sum function!
 Use a loop:

Execution of a loop

 Set total to 0
 Set n to 1
 Execute Add n to total (total equals 1)
 Set n to 2
 Execute Add n to total (total equals 3)
 Set n to 3
 Execute Add n to total (total equals 6)
 Set n to 4
 Execute Add n to total (total equals 10)
 Set n to 5
 Execute Add n to total (total equals 15)
 Print total


 MATLAB implementation using a for-loop:
total = 0;
for n = 1:5
total = total + n;
fprintf('total equals %d\n',total);

Parts of a for-loop

Colon operator is not required

 Here is another example:

list = rand(1,5); % assigns a row vector of random numbers
for x = list
if x > 0.5
fprintf('Random number %f is large.\n',x)
fprintf('Random number %f is small.\n',x)
Random number 0.141890 is small.
Random number 0.421760 is small.
Random number 0.915740 is large.
Random number 0.792210 is large.
Random number 0.959490 is large.

Example revisited

 Notice that we do not need the list variable at all:

for x = rand(1,5)
if x > 0.5
fprintf('Random number %f is large.\n',x)
fprintf('Random number %f is small.\n',x)


 The values assigned to the loop index do not
have to be

◦ integers,
◦ regularly spaced, or
◦ assigned in increasing order,

 In fact, they do not have to be scalars either:

◦ The loop index will be assigned the columns of the array

 Any other control construct can be used in the
body of the for-loop

◦ if-statements
◦ other loops
◦ etc.


 for-loops work well when we know the
number of necessary iterations before
entering the loop

 Consider this problem:

◦ Starting from 1, how many consecutive positive
integers do we need to add together to exceed 50?
◦ The only way to solve this with a for-loop is to guess
a large enough number for the number of iterations
and then use a break statement.
◦ There is a better solution: a while-loop!

While-loop example

function [n total] = possum(limit)
total = 0;
n = 0;
while total <= limit
n = n + 1;
total = total + n;
fprintf('sum: %d count: %d\n', total, n);

While-loop example

function [n total] = possum(limit)
total = 0;
n = 0;
while total <= limit
n = n + 1;
total = total + n;
fprintf('sum: %d count: %d\n', total, n);
>> possum(50)
sum: 55 count: 10

ans =


While-loop example

General form

while conditional

if conditional

 Difference:

 while condition is evaluated repeatedly
 block is executed repeatedly as long as condition is true

Logical indexing

 Problem: given a vector, v, of scalars, create a
second vector, w, that contains only the non-
negative elements of v

Logical indexing

 Traditional solution:

w = [];
jj = 0;
for ii = 1:length(v)
if v(ii) >= 0
jj = jj + 1;
w(jj) = v(ii);

Example revisited

Example with logical indexing

 The ultimate solution needs only a single line:

w = v(v >= 0);

 This is an example of logical indexing.
 To understand why and how this works, we
need to introduce logical arrays