Computer Programming with MATLAB
Lesson 8: File Input/Output
Akos Ledeczi and Mike Fitzpatrick
File Input/Output
◦ Area in permanent storage (disk drive)◦ Stores information
◦ Managed by the operating system
◦ Can be copied or moved
◦ Can be accessed by programs
File Input/Output (I/O)
◦ Data exchange between programs and computers◦ Data exchange between the physical world and computers
◦ Saving your work so you can continue with it later
MATLAB can handle
◦ Mat-files and M-files AND text, binary, and Excel filesExcel files
Microsoft Excel® is a widely used data-analysis tool
Many other programs support reading and writing
Excel files
MATLAB does too with two built-in functions
◦ xlsread
◦ xlswrite
Reading Excel files
>> [num,txt,raw] = xlsread('Nashville_climate.xlsx');
>> num
num =
46 28 3.98
51 31 3.7
61 39 4.88
70 47 3.94
78 57 5.08
85 65 4.09
89 69 3.78
88 68 3.27
82 61 3.58
71 49 2.87
59 40 4.45
49 31 4.53
>> num
num =
46 28 3.98
51 31 3.7
61 39 4.88
70 47 3.94
78 57 5.08
85 65 4.09
89 69 3.78
88 68 3.27
82 61 3.58
71 49 2.87
59 40 4.45
49 31 4.53
>> txt =
txt =
[1x30 char] '' '' '' ''
[1x40 char] '' '' '' ''
'' '' '' '' ''
'' '' 'High temp (F)' 'Low temp (F)' 'Precip (in)'
'' 'Jan' '' '' ''
'' 'Feb' '' '' ''
'' 'March' '' '' ''
'' 'April' '' '' ''
'' 'May' '' '' ''
'' 'June' '' '' ''
'' '' '' '' ''
'' '' 'High temp (F)' 'Low temp (F)' 'Precip (in)'
'' 'July‘ '' '' ''
'' 'Aug' '' '' ''
'' 'Sep' '' '' ''
'' 'Oct' '' '' ''
'' 'Nov' '' '' ''
'' 'Dec' '' '' ''
All data: cell array
>> raw
raw =
[1x30 char] [ NaN] [ NaN] [ NaN] [ NaN]
[1x40 char] [ NaN] [ NaN] [ NaN] [ NaN]
[ NaN] [ NaN] [ NaN] [ NaN] [ NaN]
[ NaN] [ NaN] 'High temp (F)' 'Low temp (F)' 'Precip (in)'
[ NaN] 'Jan' [ 46] [ 28] [ 3.98]
[ NaN] 'Feb' [ 51] [ 31] [ 3.7]
[ NaN] 'March' [ 61] [ 39] [ 4.88]
[ NaN] 'April' [ 70] [ 47] [ 3.94]
[ NaN] 'May' [ 78] [ 57] [ 5.08]
[ NaN] 'June‘ [ 85] [ 65] [ 4.09]
[ NaN] [ NaN] [ NaN] [ NaN] [ NaN]
[ NaN] [ NaN] 'High temp (F)' 'Low temp (F)' 'Precip (in)'
[ NaN] 'July‘ [ 89] [ 69] [ 3.78]
[ NaN] 'Aug' [ 88] [ 68] [ 3.27]
[ NaN] 'Sep' [ 82] [ 61] [ 3.58]
[ NaN] 'Oct' [ 71] [ 49] [ 2.87]
[ NaN] 'Nov' [ 59] [ 40] [ 4.45]
[ NaN] 'Dec' [ 49] [ 31] [ 4.53]
Text files
Text files contain characters
They use an encoding scheme:
◦ ASCII or
◦ Any one of many other schemes
◦ MATLAB takes care of encoding and decoding
Before using a text file, we need to open it
Once done with the file, we need to close it
Opening text files
Opening: fid = fopen(filename, permission)
Closing: fclose(fid)
fid: Unique file identifier for accessing file
Permission: what we want to do with the file—
◦ read, write, overwrite, append, etc.
Reading text files
One line at a time
type prints a text file in the command window
Let’s re-implement it:
function view_text_file(filename)
fid = fopen(filename,'rt');
if fid < 0
error('error opening file %s\n\n', filename);
% Read file as a set of strings, one string per line:
oneline = fgets(fid);
while ischar(oneline)
fprintf('%s',oneline) % display one line
oneline = fgets(fid);
Reading text files
Reading lines into string variables is easy
Parsing these strings to get numerical data is
much harder
Not covered
Binary files are more suited for numerical data
Binary files
Binary file = “not a text file”
Many different ways to represent numbers
All we need to know are their types.
Binary files need to be
◦ Opened with fopen
◦ Closed with fclose
Writing binary files
Data type is important
Example: write a double array into a binary file
function write_array_bin(A,filename)
fid = fopen(filename, 'w+');
if fid < 0
error( 'error opening file %s\n‘, filename);
fwrite(fid,A, 'double');
Reading binary files
Example: read a double array from a binary file
function A = read_bin_file(filename,data_type)
fid = fopen(filename,'r');
if fid < 0
error( 'error opening file %s\n',filename);
A = fread(fid,inf,data_type);