Computer Programming with MATLAB

Lesson 7: Data Types


Akos Ledeczi and Mike Fitzpatrick

The Limitation of Computers

 Real numbers in mathematics:

◦ Can be infinitely large
◦ Have infinitely fine resolution

 Computers: Finite memory

◦ Upper limit on the largest number that can be
◦ Lower limit on the absolute value of any non-zero

 The set of values that can be represented by
a MATLAB variable is finite.

Data Types


many different data types

 A data type is defined by:

◦ Set of values
◦ Set of operations that can be performed on those values


◦ All elements of a given array must be of the same type
◦ Elementary type

Type of a MATLAB array is defined by

◦ Number of dimensions
◦ Size in each dimension
◦ Elementary type

Numerical Types

 double

◦ Default type in MATLAB
◦ Floating point representation
 Example: 12.34 = 1234 * 10-2
 Mantissa and exponent
◦ 64 bits (8 bytes)

 single

◦ 32-bit floating point

 Integer types

◦ Signed, unsigned
◦ 8-, 16-, 32-, 64-bit long

Range of Values

Range of Values

Useful functions

 Type check:

◦ class
◦ isa
>> isa(x,’double’)

 Range check:

◦ intmax, intmin
◦ realmax, realmin
>> intmax(’uint32’)

 Conversion:

◦ Name of function = name of desired data type
◦ int8(x), uint32(x), double(x), etc.


 Arithmetic operators

◦ Operands of the same data type: No problem
◦ Different data types:
 “mixed-mode arithmetic”
 Many rules and restrictions

 Relational operators

◦ Different data types are always allowed
◦ Result is always of logical type


 Text: string

 We have used them already:

◦ Argument to fprintf and other functions

 String: vector of char-s

 Numerical type

◦ Uses an encoding scheme
◦ Each character is represented by a number
◦ ASCII scheme

ASCII code

 American Standard Code
for Information
 Developed in the1960’s
 7 bits, 128 characters:
◦ Latin alphabet
◦ Digits
◦ Punctuation
◦ Special characters
 Newer schemes with far
more characters
 ASCII is a subset of them


 Print out the visible characters of the ASCII

function char_codes
for ii = 33:126

String functions


 An array must be homogeneous:

◦ It cannot contain elements of multiple types.

 A struct can be heterogeneous:

◦ It can contain multiple types.

 A struct is different from an array:

◦ fields, not elements
◦ field names, not indices
◦ Fields in the same struct can have different types.

 Versatility inside:

◦ A field of a struct can contain another struct.

Structs in action

>> r.ssn = 12345678
r =
ssn: 12345678
>> class(r)
ans =
>> class(r.ssn)
ans =
>> = 'Homer Simpson'
r =
ssn: 12345678
name: 'Homer Simpson‘
>> r.address.street = '742 Evergreen Terrace'
r =
ssn: 12345678
name: 'Homer Simpson'
address: [1x1 struct]


 An array must be homogeneous:

◦ It cannot contain elements of multiple types.

◦ It can contain multiple types.

 A struct is different from an array:

◦ fields, not elements
◦ field names, not indices
◦ Fields in the same struct can have different types.

 Versatility inside:

◦ A field of a struct can contain another struct.
◦ Structs can hold arrays, and arrays can hold structs.

String functions


 How to store a page of text?

◦ Each line should be a separate string
◦ Cannot use an array of chars:
 Each line would have to have the same length
◦ A vector of objects with each referring to one line

 Pointer

◦ Each variable (scalar, vector, array, etc.) is stored in
the computer memory.
◦ Each memory location has a unique address.
◦ A pointer is a variable that stores an address.
◦ MATLAB calls a pointer a “cell”.


 MATLAB has a restrictive pointer model

◦ Strict rules on what can be done with cells
◦ Harder to make mistakes

 But it is a powerful way to store
heterogeneous data

◦ Cell arrays
◦ Used more frequently than structs

 New syntax:

◦ To access the data a cell points to, use: { }

Cell array example

>> p = cell(2,3)
p =
[] [] []
[] [] []

Cell array example

>> p = cell(2,3)
p =
[] [] []
[] [] []
>> p{2,1} = pi
p =
[] [] []
[3.14] [] []

Cell array example

>> p = cell(2,3)
p =
[] [] []
[] [] []
>> p{2,1} = pi
p =
[] [] []
[3.14] [] []
>> p{1,1} = int8(-17)
p =
[-17] [] []
[3.14] [] []

Cell array example

>> p = cell(2,3)
p =
[] [] []
[] [] []
>> p{2,1} = pi
p =
[] [] []
[3.14] [] []
>> p{1,1} = -17
p =
[-17] [] []
[3.14] [] []
>> p{2,2} = 'Awesome'
P =
[-17] [] []
[3.14] 'Awesome'[]

Cell array example

>> p{2,3} = [2 4; 6 8; 10 12]
P =
[-17] [] []
[3.14] ‘Awesome’[3x2 double]

Cell array example

>> p{2,3} = [2 4; 6 8; 10 12]
P =
[-17] [] []
[3.14] ‘Awesome’[3x2 double]
>> p{1,3} = sum(p{2,3});

Cell array example

>> p{2,3} = [2 4; 6 8; 10 12]
P =
[-17] [] []
[3.14] ‘Awesome’[3x2 double]
>> p{1,3} = sum(p{2,3});
>> P{1,2} = 1/0;

Cell array example

>> p{2,3} = [2 4; 6 8; 10 12]
P =
[-17] [] []
[3.14] ‘Awesome’[3x2 double]
>> p{1,3} = sum(p{2,3});
>> P{1,2} = 1/0;
>> class(p)
ans =

Cell array example

>> p{2,3} = [2 4; 6 8; 10 12]
P =
[-17] [] []
[3.14] ‘Awesome’[3x2 double]
>> p{1,3} = sum(p{2,3});
>> P{1,2} = 1/0;
>> class(p)
ans =
>> class(p{1,2})
ans =

Cell array example

>> p{2,3} = [2 4; 6 8; 10 12]
P =
[-17] [] []
[3.14] ‘Awesome’[3x2 double]
>> p{1,3} = sum(p{2,3});
>> P{1,2} = 1/0;
>> class(p)
ans =
>> class(p{1,2})
ans =
>> class(p(1,2))
ans =

Cell array example

>> p{2,3}(3,2)
ans =

Cell functions